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BMC Bioinformatics

18 ?.?. 2552 form for anonymous peer-review of genome biological ... the bioinformatics platform [33] of Ouest-Genopole [34].

MIMAS 3.0 is a Multiomics Information Management and Annotation

10 ?.?. 2553 destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents ... the bioinformatics platform [33] of Ouest-Genopole [34].

Using Dominances for Solving the Protein Family Identification

19 ?.?. 2554 Theme : Computational Biology and Bioinformatics ... done on the Ouest-genopole bioinformatics platform ( References.

SHREC10 Track: Protein Model Classification

The aim of this track is to evaluate how well 3D shape recognition algorithms can classify protein genopole bioinformatics platform

Work?ow4Metabolomics: A collaborative research infrastructure for

25 ??.?. 2558 Biochemistry Structural Biology & Structural Bioinformatics ... Abims Platform

Diversité des branches évolutives basales du règne des

7 ??.?. 2556 sur l'évaluation du nombre d'espèces fongiques acceptées. ... on the GenOuest bioinformatics platform web site.

Fine-tuning motif detection among ChIP on Chip DNA fragments

6 ??.?. 2563 mentarité de forme par Hex couplées `a l'évaluation des caractéristiques ... sequencing biases of HTS platforms and spurious read mappings.


2 MOABI (Bioinformatic platform of APHP) Paris

Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics

6 ?.?. 2548 ders and evaluation of possible disease symptoms and risks. ... of the bioinformatics platform of the OUEST-genopole research structure.

Journées Ouvertes [de] Biologie[] Informatique [et] Mathématiques

25 ?.?. 2553 web page on the GenOuest BioInformatics Platform ... 2 UMR1348 INRA Agrocampus Ouest