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Math 54. Selected Solutions for Week 10 Section 4.1 (Page 399) 9

Use Definition 1 to determine whether the functions Linear Dependence of Three Functions. ... dependent or linearly independent on (???):.

Math 54. Selected Solutions for Week 11 Section 4.6 (Page 435) 7

Determine whether the given functions are linearly dependent or linearly independent on the specified interval. Justify your decision.

Solutions HW 13 9.4.2 Write the given system in matrix form x = Ax +

x2 = ?x1 + 3x2 + et. 9.4.16 Determine whether the given vector functions are linearly dependent or independent on the interval (?? ?).

Linear Dependence and Linear Independence

16 ???? 2007 vectors in a vector space V is linearly independent if and only if ... Determine whether the following functions are linearly dependent or ...

4.2 Homogeneous Linear Equations: The General Solution

are not linearly independent are linearly dependent. Example 1. Determine whether the functions y1 and y2 are linearly independent on the interval (0 1).

Homework #6 Solutions

Determine whether the functions f(x) = 2 cos x + 3 sin x and g(x) = 3 cos x ?. 2 sin x are linearly dependent or linearly independent on the real line.

Solutions 2

Determine whether the pairs of functions are linearly independent or linearly dependent on the real line. 2. 2. ( ). ( ) cos sin. f x. g x x ?. =.

Linear dependence and independence (chapter. 4)

If V is any vector space then V = Span(V ). • Clearly we can find smaller sets of vectors which span V . • This lecture we will use the notions of linear.

ODE: Assignment-4

independent on any smaller interval contained in I. (ii) If f(x) and g(x) are linearly dependent functions on an interval I then they are.

Questions Solutions

Example (4.1.7) Determine whether the functions f1(t)=2t-3 f2(t) = t2+1