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7 days ago String Map

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Sep 2 2022 String

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Aug 28 2022 String

M1IF03 Conception dApplications Web

ECMAScript Harmony = ES 2015 = ES6 (06/2015) ? JavaScript 2.0. ? ES7 (06/2016). ? ES.Next… ES10 Collections (maps sets and weak maps). ? Promises.

Your Complete Guide to the New Features Introduced in JavaScript

Raju Gandhi is a programmer with over 20 years of experience in the software industry. He believes that the key to writing software users will cherish lies 

JavaScript ES6 (ES2015)

L'élément HTML <script> permet d'utiliser du code JavaScript avec une page HTML. L'objet WeakMap permet de créer des maps avec des clés qui sont.

You Dont Know JS: ES6 & Beyond

JS: ES6 & Beyond the cover image