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Fine-structural characterization of Alexandrium catenella

Cells of the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella have a complement of features re-examination of Alexandrium minutum from the type.

Toxin profile of Alexandrium catenella from the Chilean coast as

strain of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. analysis of these toxins in shellfish such as the Chilean ... In vitro studies comparing.

Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of a Toxin-Producing

2014?11?24? Article. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of a Toxin-Producing. Dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella and Its Non-Toxic Mutant.

Unsuspected intraspecific variability in the toxin production growth

2021?3?3? Toxin analyses of A. pacificum strains revealed substantial ... A comparative analysis of Alexandrium catenella/tamarense blooms in Annaba ...

Unsuspected intraspecific variability in the toxin production growth

2021?3?3? dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum R.W. Litaker (Group IV) ... A comparative analysis of Alexandrium catenella/tamarense blooms in Annaba ...

Archimer Unsuspected intraspecific variability in the toxin production

2020?6?3? A comparative analysis of. 574. Alexandrium catenella/tamarense blooms in Annaba Bay (Algeria) and Thau lagoon.

Comparative Proteomic Analysis Reveals Proteins Putatively

2013?1?22? Keywords: marine dinoflagellates; Alexandrium catenella; paralytic shellfish toxins; cell cycle; toxin biosynthesis; proteomics; ...

Comparative study of phosphorus strategies of three typical harmful

2008?5?27? ghaiense or Alexandrium catenella was a better growth strategist in nutrient-rich condition. Although S. costatum had a greater advantage ...

Intraspecific variability in membrane proteome cell growth

Impact of light quality and space weather in Alexandrium catenella

A review of the molecular evidence for ballast water introduction of the toxic dinoflagellates Gymnodinium catenatum and the Alexandrium “tamarensis complex” to.