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Impact of acadja fisheries on fish assemblages in Lake Nokoué

impact acadja fisheries

Dietary Guild Structure in Fish Assemblages and Trophic Position of

Impact of acadja fisheries on fish assemblages in Lake Nokoué Benin

Factors Influencing Small-Scale Fishers Individual Perceived

2 juin 2021 Niyonkuru C.; Lalèyè

Factors Influencing Small-Scale Fishers Individual Perceived

2 juin 2021 Niyonkuru C.; Lalèyè

Dyhia Belhabib and Daniel Pauly

Benin has a well-established tradition of fishing as fish was then caught for PA (2010) Impact of acadja fisheries on fish assemblages in Lake Nokoué ...

Seasonal and interannual variability of salinity in a large West

The lake is the largest body of water in Benin (Lalèyè et fish (Lalèyè et al. 2003). ... Impact of acadja fisheries on fish assemblages in Lake.

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For this study two West African lagoons

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Impact of acadja fisheries on fish assemblage in lake Nokoué Benin

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Impact of acadja fisheries on fish assemblages in Lake Nokoué

Acadjas are selective for some ?sh species such ascichlids which represent 95 of the total numeric abundance and con-tribute about 90 of the total ?sh biomass The high densities of acad-jas could contribute to the reduction of the richness of ?sh fauna

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The composition and production of fish assemblages in lakes of the northern hemisphere are shaped by large-scale processes and factors such as postglacial re-colonization geomorphology and climate

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tors of fish assemblage (Table ) between two distinct pro-tected areas of sustainable use and an unprotected area in the Tapajós River in the Brazilian Amazon We analysed de-scriptorsoffishassemblagethathavebeennegativelyaffected by fisheries: fish biomass abundance body size richness

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Association between biogeographical factors and boreal lake

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