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Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy

82-83; Samuelson [18] pp. 84. Page 4. 268 KENNETH J. ARROW AND GERARD DEBREU only actually existing 

Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy Kenneth J

9 oct. 2007 Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy. Kenneth J. Arrow; Gerard Debreu. Econometrica Vol. 22

Existence of an Equilibrium for a - Competitive Economy

Existence of an Equilibrium for a. Competitive Economy. S. Kenneth J. Arrow and Gerard Debreu. 2082. Technical Report No. 8 prepared under contract ?6 onr- 

Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy - Kenneth J

22 août 2005 Kenneth J. Arrow; Gerard Debreu. Econometrica Vol. ... theorem asserts the existence of competitive equilibrium if there are some types.

Kenneth J. Arrow - Prize Lecture

individuals when the entire economy is in a competitive equilibrium. equilibrium indeed existed though rather strong assumptions had to be made.

Two lemmas that changed general equilibrium theory

20 oct. 2009 [1] Arrow Kenneth J.

The Classical Theorem on Existence of Competitive Equilibrium

Economy" Econometrica

On the Stability of the Competitive Equilibrium I

BY KENNETH J. ARROW AND LEONID HURWICZ. The present paper is devoted to the question of the dynamic stability of a perfectly competitive market with the 

Retrospectives: Lionel W. McKenzie and the Proof of the Existence

economics. The discovery is commonly attributed to the paper by Kenneth Arrow and Gerard Debreu “Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy

The Economics of Kenneth J. Arrow: A Selective Review

6 mai 2019 Kenneth Arrow social choice