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Designing for Understandability: the Raft Consensus Algorithm

29 août 2016 Replicated log ensures state machines execute same commands in same order. ? Consensus module ensures proper log replication.

R Markdown Cheat Sheet

the report into a slideshow pdf

R Markdown : : CHEAT SHEET

ioslides HTML slides slidy_presentation slidy HTML slides beamer_presentation. Beamer pdf slides (requires Tex). Customize output with.

Raft: A Consensus Algorithm for Replicated Logs

3 mars 2013 Invoked by candidates to gather votes. Arguments: candidateId candidate requesting vote term candidate's term. lastLogIndex.

Learning to find good correspondences

Page 8. Computing the Essential matrix. N correspondences. Nx9 matrix. 9x9 matrix. SVD. Essential. Matrix. 1uu0 uv0.

TensorFlow w/XLA

500+ contributors most of them outside Google. 11

Mixing Patterns in Social Networks

Karimi et al. “Homophily influences ranking of minorities in social networks” Scientific Reports (2018) heterophily random homophily minorities.

CSC2541 Lecture 5 Natural Gradient

Natural gradient is an elegant solution to both problems. How it fits in with this course: This lecture: it's an elegant and efficient way of doing 

The Raft Consensus Algorithm

4 oct. 2013 25+ implementations of Raft in progress on GitHub. ? See ? Bloom C#

ari: The Automated R Instructor

For example in the ?le ari_comments Rmd included in ari which is an ioslides type of R Markdown slide deck we have the last slide: x

1 Workflow R Markdown Cheat Sheet - RStudio

Introduction to R Markdown

In ioslides and slidy the possibility to apply custom style is limited Especially if you are not an expert in CSS Besides there have been plenty of issues: Our presentation is made with xaringan Is an R Markdown extension based on the JavaScript library remark js Generates HTML5 presentations The documentation gives an overview of the

Different ways of running R

ioslides) Knitr relies on you having written a Rmd (RMarkdown) or Rnw (technically a Sweave le but this is sort of outdated technology) le Knitr is most easily used from within RStudio but can also be called from within R using for example: R> rmarkdown::render("input Rmd") 6/14

R Markdown Cheat Sheet

ioslides_presentation ioslides HTML slides slidy_presentation slidy HTML slides beamer_presentation Beamer pdf slides (requires Tex) Customize output with sub-options (listed at right):--- output: html_document: code_folding: hide toc_float: TRUE --- # Body Indent 2 spaces Indent 4 spaces # Tabset { tabset tabset-fade tabset-pills} ## Tab 1

memoiR: R Markdown and Bookdown Templates to Publish Documents

•slides may be rendered in HTML bybookdown::slidy_presentation2bookdown::ioslides_presentation2 and in PDF bybookdown::beamer_presentation2 These functions are mainly used for test and documentation purposes In projects based on the templates use the Knit button (articles presentations) or the Build the Book button (memoirs) or

A little article using principles of reproducible research

• Format of your output ?le: MS Word PDF HTML powerpoint-like slides (beamer ioslides) •Title and Subtitle •Author(s): Allows for multiple authors and institutional af?liation (as footnotes) •Date - which can be text or coded •Table of Contents •Specify your bibliography ?le •Hyperlink color •Margins font and font size

Presentations in RMarkdown ????

ioslides Default format for RMarkdown presentations YAML setting: output: ioslides_presentation Markdown syntax can be mixed with HTML Presentation format: http://rmarkdown rstudio com/ioslides_presentation_format html Example: https://github com/mdozmorov/presentations/tree/master/reproducible_research/reproducible_research_2016­ 09­09 · ·

Presentations in RMarkdown - GitHub Pages

Presentations in RMarkdown MikhailDozmorov Fall2016 Mikhail Dozmorov Presentations in RMarkdown Fall 2016 1 / 14

ari: Automated R Instructor

can cause screens to repeat If making a video from an ioslides_presentation you should use "iterative" subtitles Should a srt ?le be created with subtitles? The default value is FALSE If TRUE then a ?le with the same name as the output argument will be created but with the ?le extension srt Arguments that will be passed to webshot

memoiR: R Markdown and Bookdown Templates to Publish Documents

Sep 26 2021 · •slides may be rendered in HTML bybookdown::ioslides_presentation2bookdown::ioslides_presentation2 and in PDF bybookdown::beamer_presentation2 These functions are mainly used for test and documentation purposes In projects based on the templates use the Knit button (articles presentations) or the Build the Book button (memoirs) or

What is ioslides in R?

What is webslides?

What are the disadvantages of ioslides?

What is ProSlide Technology?