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Pest risk assessment made by France on Erionota thrax L

Mar 12 2008 assessment conducted by France on Erionota thrax L. with French Guiana

Bioecology and Management of the Banana Skipper (Erionota thrax)

crops is the banana skipper; Erionota thrax. The larvae of these large Anon (2008) Pest risk assessment made by France on Erionota thrax con-.

A critical review of the literature on the pest Erionota spp

Dec 2 2014 are reviewed with specific attention to Erionota thrax (Linnaeus)


Jan 20 2021 Hama ulat penggulung daun pisang (Erionota thrax L) menyerang ... Menurut French (2006)

Digital Repository Universitas Jember Digital Repository Universitas

Intensitas Serangan Hama Ulat Penggulung Daun Pisang (Erionata thrax (L)) pada Tanaman Pisang Di Kabupaten Jember; Zaenal Abidin 091510501027;.

Biological control -? Pacific prospects

erionotae which attacks larvae of the banana skipper Erionota thrax a serious pest South America (Brazil

de lAgence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de lalimentation de l

Jul 7 2015 Erionota thrax. Probable ... Commission on Pest risk assessment made by France on Banana streak virus (BSV) considered.

Erionota torus chenille défoliatrice du bananier

thrax s'attaquent aux bananiers tandis qu'E. acroleuca est inféodée aux pal- miers. E. torus est un ravageur principalement des bana- niers cultivés et d' 

Introductions for Biological Control in Hawaii: 1975 & 1976

Erionota thrax L. (Banana skipper) USDA France. USDA

Six-legged livestock: edible insect farming collecting and marketing

Gryllotalpidae. Mole cricket. Gryllotalpa africana Pal. LEPIDOPTERA. Bombycidae. Bombyx mori L. Hesperiidae. Erionota thrax thrax L.