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MC/EX/SR/429 - Procès-verbal de la quatre cent vingt-neuvième

28 nov 2000 Secrétariat des réunions de l'OIM BP 71

Aerogels: Overview and Outlook for Future Space and

Mars Crew Lander Phobos ExplorationVehicle (PEV) Hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerator concept Hard aeroshellsused to land rovers on Mars limit size of payload Inflatable structure overcomes this limitation Concept is a series of stacked inflatable tori tied with a network of straps Flexible thermal protection system on fore body

Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration (2012) 4285

Mars polarimetric radar: Radar wave penetration into the subsurface is proportional to the wavelength and depends on surface dielectric properties Ground-based radar imaging of Mars at 2380 MHz (12 6 cm wavelength) has revealed complex lava flows units in the Tharsis and Elysium provinces [1]; because of the

Mars Program Re-Planning 2012 Summary of the Final Report

Mars Program Re-Planning 2012 • Mars exploration in SMD has had (and should have) two types of missions: -Strategic missions: A mission within a chain of strategically laid-out coupled missions that follow a common scientific line of inquiry -Stand-alone missions: A single isolated mission accomplishing a significant

(A) Student Instruction Sheet - NASA Mars Exploration

NASA Strategies and Goals for the Exploration of Mars Thousands of questions could be asked about Mars alone so NASA has organized its program for Mars exploration around a common strategy This strategy is the thread that ties together all four of NASA’s main goals for Mars exploration

The 2013 Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) Mission

February 28 2012 The 2013 Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) Mission Presentation to the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) NOTE ADDED BY JPL WEBMASTER: This content has not been approved or adopted by NASA JPL or the California Institute of Technology This

Science Detection and Characterization of Rocks and Rock Size

This paper describes the detection and characterization of rocks and rock size-frequency distributions of the four final Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) landing sites (Eberswalde crater Gale crater Holden crater and Mawrth Vallis) undertaken during the site selection and certification effort (Golombek et al 2012)

Episodic ?ood inundations of the northern plains of Mars

Fig 2 Topographic shaded relief map of the northern hemisphere of Mars constructed from Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data showing major geographic features of the northern hemisphere including three major basins (Borealis basin = Vastitas Borealis Utopia basin = Utopia Planitia Isidis basin = Isidis Planitia) Also shown are

MARSS: Multivariate Autoregressive State-space Models for

The MARSS package (Holmes et al 2012) is an R package for ?tting linear multivariate autoregres-sive state-space (MARSS) models with Gaussian er-rors to time-series data This class of model is ex-tremely important in the study of linear stochas-tic dynamical systems and these models are used in many different ?elds including economics

Maryland Assessment of Recovery Scale — MARS-12

The MaRs was modified in collaboration and with permission from the developers The MaRs is in the public domain and Optum has full permission to use the MaRs and MaRs-12 Unpublished psychometric analysis of the short form MaRs-12 was conducted by Deborah Medoff Ph D Psychiatry Department University of Maryland school

Original N° ICC 01/04 01/06 Date 14 mars 2012 LA DE I M Mme M

Date : 14 mars 2012 LA CHAMBRE DE PREMIÈRE INSTANCE I Composée comme suit : M le juge Adrian Fulford juge président Mme la juge Elizabeth Odio Benito M le juge René Blattmann SITUATION EN RÉPUBLIQUE DÉMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO AFFAIRE LE PROCUREUR c THOMAS LUBANGA DYILO

Mars Sample Return backward contamination – Strategic advice

Mars Sample Return backward contamination – Strategic advice and requirements 6 protection requirements for each ranging from Category I (no requirements) to Category IV (more restrictive) and Category V (Earth return missions – the most requirements) (COSPAR 2002–2011) 1 2 Mars Sample Return Mission concept

Topic Notes Sun - NASA Mars Exploration

On behalf of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program this lesson was prepared by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory a division of the California Institute of Technology These materials may be distributed freely for noncommercial purposes Copyright 2012; 2009; 2005; 2001 12 LESSON 4: DISCOVER MARS Teacher Guide (B) Teacher Resource

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Après un travail approfondi de négociation la FEP* et la CGT ont signé un accord majoritaire de rénovation du temps partiel qui porte la durée minimale hebdomadaire de temps de travail à 16 heures tenant compte des contraintes organisationnelles inhérentes au secteur de la propreté