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This thesis is dedicated to my parents. - For their endless love

This thesis is dedicated to my parents. For their endless love support and encouragement. Page 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. First and foremost

This thesis is dedicated to my parents for their love endless support This thesis is dedicated to my parents for their love endless support

The objective of this research work was to study the degradation (corrosion and tribocorrosion) resulting from mechanical (wear) and electrochemistry 

vi Dedication I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents Jan

Dedication. I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents Jan and Lee Romanczyk. Thank you so much for everything! Words can hardly describe my thanks and.

DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my parents and Oncle

DEDICATION. This thesis is dedicated to my parents and Oncle Abder who have supported me all the way since the beginning of my studies. Also this thesis is 

iv DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my mother Jane Bass

This thesis is dedicated to my mother Jane Bass

Dedicated to my Parents

This achievement will complete the dream that you had for me when you chose to give me the best education you could. Anything good that has come to my life 

Dedication This thesis is dedicated to my parents brother

This Ph.D. “Thesis” Is dedicated To My Parents And to My beloved

Page 1. This. Ph.D. “Thesis”. Is dedicated. To. My Parents. And to. My beloved family members.

(This thesis is dedicated to my parents) 4 This research was

(This thesis is dedicated to my parents). 4. This research was supported by research grant 2 R01 DC 00126-16 from the National Institute on Deafness and Other 

DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my parents Jennifer and

This thesis is dedicated to my parents Jennifer and Terry Caldwell and my fiancé

iv DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my mother Jane Bass

Without their endless love and encouragement I would never have been able to complete my graduate studies. I love you both and I appreciate everything that you 

(This thesis is dedicated to my parents) 4 This research was

My parents for their sacrifices that made this thesis possible. I am greatly indebted to my thesis advisors for their guidance and encouragement. I thank. Nat

This thesis is dedicated to my parents for their love endless support

FGMs [9]. The main objective of the work presented in this dissertation is to contribute for the knowledge of the corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of Al/ 

DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my parents and Oncle

This thesis is dedicated to my parents and Oncle Abder who have supported me all the way since the beginning of my studies. Also this thesis is dedicated 

Dedicated to my Parents

This achievement will complete the dream that you had for me when you chose to give me the best education you could. Anything good that has come to my life 

ii Dedication This thesis work is dedicated to my husband Bruce

I am truly thankful for having you in my life. This work is also dedicated to my parents William and Karen Ryan

ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This journey would not have been

I am especially grateful to my parents who supported me emotionally and financially. I always knew that you believed in me and wanted the best for me. Thank 

DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my parents. Also this thesis

I would like to express my gratitude to my friend. Mosab he provides me with references and the majority of materials for my project. Page 3. IV. Abstract.

DEDICATION I dedicate my dissertation work to my family and many

A special feeling of gratitude to my loving parents William and Louise Johnson whose words of encouragement and push for tenacity ring in my ears. My sisters 

This thesis is dedicated to my parents my parents