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PDF A Midsummer Nights Dream - The Folger SHAKESPEARE

You can play no part but Pyramus for Pyramus is a sweet-faced man


Enter Horatio and Marcellus. I think I hear them.—Stand ho! Who is there? Friends to this ground. 7. ACT 1. Scene 1. FTLN 0001. FTLN 0002. FTLN 0003.

Macbeth - The Folger Shakespeare

Fair is foul and foul is fair;. Hover through the fog and filthy air. 7. ACT 1. Scene 1. FTLN 0001. FTLN 0002. FTLN 0003.

Julius Caesar - Folger Digital Texts

conscience which is indeed

Romeo and Juliet - Folger Digital Texts

'Tis all one. I will show myself a tyrant. When I have fought with the men I will be civil with the maids; I will cut off their heads. 9. ACT 1. Scene 1.

Othello - PDF

And what was he? Forsooth a great arithmetician

Twelfth Night - PDF - The Folger SHAKESPEARE

Will you go hunt my lord? What

The Merchant of Venice

I hold the world but as the world Gratiano

The Tempest - PDF

You mar our labor. Keep your cabins. You do assist the storm. Nay good

King Lear - PDF

saucily to the world before he was sent for yet was his mother fair