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18th-Century Price-Riots the French Revolution and the Jacobin

PRICE-RIOTS REVOLUTION AND MAXIMUM. 43 3 rise. Professor Labrousse has shown that from the middle of the 18th century the price of essentials in France

History Economic Crises

Economic and Social Conditions in France During the 18th Century

Usually in dealing with the history of French society


If we compare the French monarchy in the eighteenth century with practically any other European monarchy of the same period the striking fact that emerges 

Social Conflict and the Grain Supply in Eighteenth-Century France

Eighteenth-Century France In the history of hunger of grain distribution

Protecting Merchants: Guilds and Commercial Capitalism in

Capitalism in Eighteenth-Century France. Gail Bossenga was presented at the Western Society for French History in Las Cruces in October 1987.

Reading Writing

Les Sauvages Ameriquains: Persistence into the 18th Century of

Numerous modern studies of the literature and history of French In the 18th century Frenchmen still employed the traditional concepts of a more.

Domestic trade and market size in late eighteenth century France

18 sept. 2014 The Industrial Revolution happened in Britain before France despite the fact that. British population was much smaller than French population ( ...

Nina Kushner CV Spring 2022

“Unchaste Women': Sexuality and Identity in the Eighteenth Century. Eighteenth-Century France” Society for French Historical Studies (Cambridge