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Homework 3 Solutions

In all cases the alphabet is ? = {0

Solution to Problem Set 1

21 de jan. de 2003 L = {w

w ends with 00} with three states. Notice that w only has to end with 00 and before the two zeros

CS5371 Theory of Computation

Give the state diagram of a DFA that recognizes the language {w

w ends with 00}. Answer: The key idea is to design three states q0q1


Assignment 3

4 de dez. de 2015 DFAs: Design a DFA for each of the following languages (all over the alphabet ... q2 : {w

COMP 3803 ā€” Solutions Assignment 2

00. The claim is that every string that ends with 00 is in the language described by this {w : the number of a's in w is a multiple of three}.

Homework 2 Solutions

If we run M on the same input w then M will end in the same state r since M and M have the same transition function. Also

Turing Machines (TM)

Recursively enumerable languages are also known as type 0 languages. Example #1: {w

Homework 1 Problems

29 de set. de 2015 (a) The set of all strings ending in 00. (b) The set of all strings with three consecutive 0's (not necessarily at the end). (c) The set of ...

Finite Automata

?(q a) = the state that the DFA goes to when it is in state q and input a is received Language over alphabet {0

05 Nonregular Languages - CS:4330 Theory of Computation

L1 = {w

Models of Computation Tutorial Exercises 1

Give NFAs with the speci?ed number of states recognising the following languages: (i) The language {w : w ends with 00} with three states (ii) The language {?} with one state (iii) The language {0} with two states (iv) All words that start and end with the same symbol with four states 4

Assignment 3 - Wellesley College

The language 0*1*0*0 with three states The language {e} with one state Exercise 3 2 Use the construction described on pages 37 and 38 of text together with your solutions to Exercise 3 1 above to give the state diagrams of a NFA recognizing theconcatenation of the languages described in Exercises 3 1c followed by 3 1a

Homework 3 - New Jersey Institute of Technology

(a) The language {w? ?? wends with 00} with three states (b) The language {w? ?? wcontains the substring 0101 i e w= x0101yfor some xy? ??} with ?ve states (c) The language {w? ?? wcontains at least two 0s or exactly two 1s} with six states (d) The language {?} with one state

Homework 2 Solution 1

3 Give state diagrams of NFAs with the specified number of states recognizing each of the following languages In all parts the alphabet is {01} The language {w w ends with 00} with three states The language {w w contains the substring 0101 (i e w = x0101y for some x and y)} with five states The language {0} with two states 3 a 01 0

Homework 2 1

{w w has length at least 3 and its third symbol is a 0} Give state diagrams of NFAs with the specified number of states recognizing each of the following languages In all parts the alphabet is {01} The language {w w ends with 00} with three states

Theory of Computation - Montana Technological University

The language 0*1*0+ with three states 1 11 Prove that every NFA can be converted to an equivalent one that has a single accept state Plan: given an NFA N convert it to the NFA Nā€™ which has a single state as shown Proof: Let N= (Q q0 F)

Searches related to the language w ends with 00 with three states PDF

Answer: The key idea is to design three statesq0;q1;q2 whereq0speci?es the input string does not end with 0q1speci?es the input string ends with exactly one 0 andq2speci?es the input string ends with at least two 0s 2 Assume that the alphabet isf0;1g