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A Beginners Guide to Using ARRAYs and DO Loops

An array name is assigned to the set of variables and then the array name is referenced in later DATA step programming usually a. DO loop

Paper 158-2010 - How to Use ARRAYs and DO Loops

One way is to use SAS ARRAYs and DO loops. SAS ARRAYS. A SAS ARRAY is a set of variables of the same type that you want to perform the same operation 

Loop-Do-Loop Around Arrays

We've looked at how to assign arrays but how do we tell SAS to look up the array values? To reference an array member

155-2009: How to Use ARRAYs and DO Loops: Do I DO OVER or

However if you have ever copied SAS code that performs the same operation to create multiple new variables

Arrays and DO Loops: Applications to Health-Care Diagnosis Fields

5 may 2016 Arrays and Do loops have been used for years by SASĀ® programmers who work with diagnosis fields in health-care data and the opportunity to ...

179-2008: Using DO Statements Links

140-2013: How to Use ARRAYs and DO Loops: Do I DO OVER or

One way is to use SAS ARRAYs and DO loops. SAS ARRAYS. A SAS ARRAY is a set of variables of the same type that you want to perform the same operation on.

How to Use ARRAYs and DO Loops: Do I DO OVER or Do I DO i?

This workshop covers when ARRAY statements and DO loops can and should be used how to set up an ARRAY statement with and without specifying the number of array 

Innovative Techniques: Doing More with Loops and Arrays

Included are examples of DO and ARRAY statement shortcuts and 'extras' the DOW loop

056-30: Customer Segmentation by Using CALL SYMPUT Arrays

Customer Segmentation by Using CALL SYMPUT Arrays and DO Loops. Rodger Zhang