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Affordance : théorie caractérisation et perspectives pour lergonomie

Nous revenons sur cette notion d'affordance et plus particulièrement sur la caractérisation des affordances qui repose sur une description de l'environnement 

Leffet daffordance comme processus émergeant et constitutif de l

14 févr. 2018 Gibson (1979) suggère que les affordances représentent en fait le premier objet de la perception. Il distingue pour cela le processus de ...

Ce que disent les objets. Sens affordance

Affordance Theory in the IS Discipline: a Review and Synthesis of

17 nov. 2018 Affordance Theory in IS Discipline: a Literature Review ... affordance perception affordance actualization

Affordance : théorie caractérisation et perspectives pour lergonomie

Le concept d'affordance est l'un des piliers de l'approche écologique de la perception et de l'action. Popularisé à la fin des années quatre-vingt auprès de 

Modélisation de laffordance dans le domaine des constructions

13 juin 2016 affordance level of this interaction was proposed. Key words: affordance user/building interaction

Affordance en e-formation et régulation de lapprentissage: une

27 janv. 2020 Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence certains liens entre processus d'autorégulation et type d'affordance lorsque le scénario prescrit peu ...

Ce que disent les objets. Sens affordance


DONALD A. NORMAN “ Affordances

Approche écologique des environnements instrumentés

17 avr. 2020 L'approche écologique de l'affordance permet de proposer un cadre d'analyse holistique de la relation sujet-artefact-environnement.

The Theory of Affordances - Monoskop

Created Date: 10/7/2011 5:11:42 PM

Searches related to affordance PDF

Affordances are one design parameter that may differ across cultures Paying attention to how different cultures or user groups interact with their environment and what they expect from their environment could give an advantage when it comes to design Affordance: Affordance is designing something so that it looks like what it will do

What is the concept of affordance?

4.2.3 The Concept of Affordance The concept of affordance was coined by Gibson (1979/1986) and concerns a relationship ‘that refers to both the environment and the animal’ (Gibson 1979/1986, p. 127). This conceptualisation is emphasised as a complementarity, a holistic nondualistic world view.

How are affordances and abilities related?

Affordances and abilities exist only in relationship to one another (Greeno 1994) and are paired in continuous systems (Chemero 2003 ). Every child has an array of abilities, each of which determines how they access the affordance that corresponds to their abilities.

What is accessed an affordance?

In this study, we use the term access and we use the phrase accessed an affordance to describe an observable action by the child with the affordance, whereby the child attends to the cues of the potential uses of the virtual manipulatives in a way that is observable.

Is affordance an objective or subjective property?

The affordance supports and limits human actions in the surrounding environment and are relative to the individual. Nevertheless, the ‘affordance is neither an objective property nor a subjective property; or it is both’ (Gibson 1979/1986, p. 129). It is ‘properties taken with reference to the observer’ (Gibson 1979/1986, p. 143).