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EU-Korea dispute settlement on labour under article 13.4 of the EU

EU-Korea dispute settlement on labour under article 13.4 of the EU- Korea. Free Trade Agreement. Amicus curiae for the attention of the Panel of Experts 

EU-South Korea FTA: a quick reading guide

The EU-South Korea FTA is the first EU trade agreement to include specific sectoral Finally a special accelerated dispute settlement system ensures ...


20 jan. 2021 13.15.1 of the EU-Korea FTA to examine the unresolved issues. ... 9 See e.g.

Free trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member

14 mai 2011 FREE TRADE AGREEMENT ... European Community and the Republic of Korea on Coop ... (Dispute Settlement) under this Agreement for matters.

The EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement

Korea. FTA. The EU-Korea Free Trade. Agreement. Motor Vehicles and parts. Addressing non-tariff barriers and promoting Dispute Settlement. ? Conclusion ...

2021 Report on Implementation and Enforcement of EU Trade

27 oct. 2021 taken by the Commission under the dispute settlement mechanisms of the World Trade ... and the first dispute under the EU-Korea FTA.

EU-Korea FTA: a stepping stone towards better subsidies control at

15 oct. 2009 On 15 October 2009 a free trade agreement (FTA) between Korea and the EU ... are enforceable through bilateral dispute settlement.

Briefing European Parliamentary Research Service

Later the EU-South Korea FTA was the first EU agreement to contain the ad hoc two-stage dispute settlement procedure

Legal and Institutional Issues of Korea-EU FTA: New Model for Post

Special Features of Korea's FTA Policy. III. Legal Issues of Korea-US and Korea-EU FTAs. 3.1 Market Access. 3.2 Trade Rules and Dispute Settlement.

Working approaches to the enforcement and implementation work of

16 nov. 2020 Strengthening enforcement and dispute settlement ... under the Trade and Sustainable Development chapter of the EU-Korea FTA with regard.