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Business Conduct Policy

employees. • Compliance—Ensure that business decisions comply with applicable laws and regulations. Apple expects its suppliers contractors

Guide Apple Employee Choice pour les TI

aux produits Apple par l'entremise du programme Apple Employee Choice. Elles se tournent ainsi vers 3 employés sur 4 adopteraient Apple au travail si on.

Apple Employee Communications Kit

iPhone iPad

Employee Choice Guide for IT_V1_fr-LU.pages

Vos équipes informatiques apprendront ainsi les bonnes pratiques pour la prise en charge des appareils Apple sur le lieu de travail et comment tirer parti de ce 

Apple UK Gender Pay Gap Report 2019 - 2020

For the group of employees who remained at Apple the pay gap was reduced by over half

People and Environment in Our Supply Chain

All photography showing supplier employees without masks were taken prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Page 2. “Apple is a technology company but we never forget.

Apple at Work

Whether it's Mac iPad

Apple at Work Trousse de communication des employés

Veuillez indiquer le nom de votre entreprise et fournir des renseignements de base sur votre programme Apple Employee Choice. Page 4. Apple • Trousse de 


to the potential for an infectious disease among its employees. Incident Management. Supplier shall have a system for workers to report health and safety 

Facilities Report

Electricity and natural gas data is compiled from utility consumption data for sites owned and leased by Apple.1. GHG Emissions (Metric tonnes CO2e/Employee).