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Public Debt and Growth;by Manmohan S. Kumar and Jaejoon Woo

1 Jul 2010 In addition threshold effects

National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model

Surprisingly internal debt is seen to cause an even larger decline in this utility level. External debt has two effects in the long run

Working Paper Series - Economic consequences of high public debt

and private sector debt can have beneficial effects in terms of smoothing economy more vulnerable to shocks (crises); (ii) High public debt prolongs ...

Threshold Effects of Sovereign Debt: Evidence from the Caribbean

This paper addresses the issue of threshold effects between public debt and economic growth 2. Real Public Debt for Selected CARICOM States .

Public Debt and Real GDP: Revisiting the Impact WP/22/76

BIS Working Paper No 352: The real effects of debt

Our data allow us to look at the impact of household non-financial corporate and government debt separately.2 Using variation across countries.

No 415 - The interest rate effects of government debt maturity

2. Why the size and the maturity of public debt matter . improves the chance of identifying the supply effects of federal debt which would.

Government debt: causes effects and limits

2. The German government debt-to-GDP ratio rose by an additional 17 percent- age points following the recent financial and economic 

Indonesia Outlook Revised To Stable From Negative; BBB/A-2

27 Apr 2022 Change in net general government debt of less than 3% of GDP per year in addition to a net debt stock of less than 30% of GDP or interest ...

The impact of high and growing government debt on economic

The basic estimation technique is panel fixed-effects corrected for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation up to order 2 (for the annual growth rate and the