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TITRE DE L'ŒUVRE : 2 pages extraites de la bande dessinée intitulé Maus. ARTISTE: Art SPIEGELMAN (1891-1969). DOMAINE ARTISTIQUE: Arts visuels et Arts du 


Art Spiegelman creates an identity for himself with respect to his parents experience of the Holocaust. The illustrator's biography of his father's exp.

Drawn from Memory: Comics Artists and Intergenerational Auto

and the problems of intergenerational collaboration in Art Spiegelman's and fatherhood through various forms of collaborative auto/biography.

Art Spiegelman histoire et bande dessinée américaine

Art Spiegelman is the author of Maus a comic book who won a Pulitzer prize in. 1992. His boards produced in the seventies testify of a advanced reflection on 

dit ART SPIEGELMAN (né le 15 février 1948 à Stockholm) Le Cartel

Brève biographie de l'auteur. Art Spiegelman (1948-)

Histoire des Arts : MAUS

Maus est une BD en 2 volumes parue en France en 1987 et 1992. L'auteur est Art Spiegelman. Le 1er tome s'intitule : Mon père.

Du récit familial au témoignage historique : MausdArt Spiegelman

3 mars 2011 Université de Toulouse – Le Mirail. C'est en 1980 dans la revue d'arts graphiques Raw qu'Art Spiegelman publie les premières planches de ...

Maus le graphisme du desastre

Art Spiegelman est le fils de Juifs polonais survivants de la Shoah. Il nous a semblé nécessaire d'évoquer tout d'abord la biographie d'Art Spiegelman ...

Travail sur Gen dhiroshima Biographie Keiji Nakazawa est né à

Introduction par Art Spiegelman. Art Spiegelman est lui aussi un auteur de BD. Dans Maus il écrit sur les camps de concentration et d'extermination en 

Hida plan - Maus grandes cases

Brève biographie de l'auteur : Art Spiegelman est né en Suède en 1948 de parents juifs polonais rescapés des camps de la mort émigrés aux États-Unis.

Who is Art Spiegelman?

Art Spiegelman, (born February 15, 1948, Stockholm, Sweden), American author and illustrator whose Holocaust narratives Maus I: A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History (1986) and Maus II: A Survivor’s Tale: And Here My Troubles Began (1991) helped to establish comic storytelling as a sophisticated adult literary medium.

What are some good books about Spiegelman?

Spiegelman, Art. Be a Nose!: Three Sketchbooks . San Francisco, CA: McSweeney's, 2009. Spiegelman, Art. Breakdowns: Portrait of the Artist as a Young %@&*! New York: Pantheon Books, 2008. Spiegelman, Art. In the Shadow of No Towers . New York: Pantheon Books, 2004. Spiegelman, Art. Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History.

Who is David Spiegelman's wife Françoise Mouly?

His work as co-editor on the comics magazines Arcade and Raw has been influential, and from 1992 he spent a decade as contributing artist for The New Yorker. He is married to designer and editor Françoise Mouly, and is the father of writer Nadja Spiegelman.

Did spiegelman'make or break' a cartoonist's career in New York?

In "The King of Comix", an article in The Village Voice, Rall accused Spiegelman of the power to "make or break" a cartoonist's career in New York, while denigrating Spiegelman as "a guy with one great book in him".