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Glossary of Microfinance Terms. PARTIE I Equivalents: accounting entry entry


Glossary of Microfinance Terms. PARTIE II langage courant lorsqu'il n'est pas directement ... accrued expense (accrual accounting

CGAP Glossary English to Arabic

Accounts payable and other short-term liabilities Accrual or deferral income/expense accounting ... Accrued expense ( accrual accounting balance.


the development of accounting terms in our own language but we the meaning to count

Etymological observations on some accounting terms

"Revenue" is another word that came into our language through the French. It originated in the Latin revenire re- meaning again or anew

Accounting terminology and translation – a linguistic challenge

accounting term income in bilingual business dictionaries the difficulty in J-G. Mattessich

Meanings and Roots of the Word ``Accounting A Comparative

22 mar. 2010 instance in Wolof

Accounting Judgments on Terms of Likelihood in IFRS: Korea and

2016 The Korea Accounting Standards Board (KASB) and Australian Accounting 4.1.5 Effect of translation on the interpretation of terms of likelihood .

Accounting for style in machine translation

and semantic levels but reflect differences in the two languages that can be grouped in terms of more-general stylistic qualities. French words.

Variable Word-Final Schwa in French: An OT Analysis

27 fév. 2019 In a great number of languages the presence or absence of word-medial vowels - especially schwa - is a type of variation that has drawn the ...