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Gestion et exploration des grandes masses de données

22 janv. 2015 Colloque Mastodons CNRS

HaoLap: a Hadoop based OLAP system for big data

21 mai 2015 HaoLap and compares that with Hive HadoopDB

HadoopDB in Action: Building Real World Applications

HadoopDB is a hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS technolo- gies designed to meet the growing demand of tends Hive [9] to provide a SQL interface to HadoopDB.


23 janv. 2014 Hive vs HadoopDB. – Hive > HadoopDB. ? Sélection avec index. ? Group by sur requêtes non sélectives (Hadoop ne profite pas des.

HadoopDB: An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS

Hence we use PostgreSQL as the database layer and Hadoop as the communication layer

HadoopDB: An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS

HadoopDB provides a parallel database front-end to data analysts enabling them to process SQL queries. The SMS planner extends Hive [11].

Efficient Processing of Data Warehousing Queries in a Split

16 juin 2011 featuring a SQL interface (Hive). We show that HadoopDB successfully competes with other systems. Categories and Subject Descriptors.

Integration of Large-Scale Data Processing Systems and Traditional

Across a variety of data process- ing tasks HadoopDB outperformed simple SQL-into-. MapReduce translation layers (such as Hive)

Integration of Large-Scale Data Processing Systems and Traditional

Across a variety of data process- ing tasks HadoopDB outperformed simple SQL-into-. MapReduce translation layers (such as Hive)

HaoLap : A Hadoop based OLAP system for big data

multidimensional data model. Some practical data warehouses based on Hadoop have emerged such as Hive HadoopDB and HBase. Hive