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ATtention Spanned: Comprehensive Vulnerability Analysis of AT

15-Aug-2018 Analysis of AT Commands Within the Android Ecosystem. Dave (Jing) Tian Grant Hernandez

Privacy Risk Analysis and Mitigation of Analytics Libraries in the

mobile app ecosystem has become a gigantic marketplace Analytics Libraries in the Android Ecosystem [1] published in SecureComm.

An Empirical Study of API Stability and Adoption in the Android

standing the impact of API evolution on software ecosystems we conduct an in-depth case study to API changes in the Android ecosystem

Alde: Privacy Risk Analysis of Analytics Libraries in the Android

Libraries in the Android Ecosystem libraries integrated in popular Android apps. ... Key words: Android Analytics libraries

Permission Evolution in the Android Ecosystem

ABSTRACT. Android uses a system of permissions to control how apps access sensitive devices and data stores. Unfortunately we.

Permission Evolution in the Android Ecosystem

ABSTRACT. Android uses a system of permissions to control how apps access sensitive devices and data stores. Unfortunately we.

38 Toward Engineering a Secure Android Ecosystem: A Survey of

next-generation Android ecosystem. CCS Concepts: r Security and privacy ? Mobile platform security; Malware and its mitigation; Social.

Android offers the worlds broadest mobility hardware ecosystem

Android's hardware ecosystem includes a range of devices to fit any job. From affordable smartphones for communication to ruggedized tablets for the most 

Privacy Risk Analysis and Mitigation of Analytics Libraries in the

mobile app ecosystem has become a gigantic marketplace Analytics Libraries in the Android Ecosystem [1] published in SecureComm.

Android Plugin Becomes a Catastrophe to Android Ecosystem

04-Jun-2018 plugin frameworks. b) A new Android phishing attack allows at- ... Android Plugin; Virtualization; Android Ecosystem. ACM Reference Format:.