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Chapter 4: Rules of Origin

Section B: Originating Goods. Article 4.2: Originating Goods. For the purposes of this Agreement a good shall qualify as an originating good

4-1 CHAPTER 4 RULES OF ORIGIN Article 4.1: Definitions For the

a remanufactured good is originating only if it satisfies the applicable requirements of Article 4.2 (Originating Goods); and. (b).

4-1 CHAPTER 4 RULES OF ORIGIN Article 4.1: Definitions For the

(a) a remanufactured good is originating only if it satisfies the applicable requirements of Article 4.2 (Originating Goods); and.

USMCA Fact Sheet

Article 4.2 (Originating Goods); and b) a recovered material that is not used or incorporated in the production of a remanufactured good is originating only 

Chapter 4 Rules of Origin Section 1 Determination of Origin Article 4.1

originating goods or originating material means goods or material that qualifies as originating or assembling a good. Article 4.2: Origin Criteria.

United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)

30 juin 2020 Origin Criteria. Page 27. 27. Specify the origin criteria under which the good qualifies as set out in Article 4.2 (Originating. Goods). 8.

CHAPTER 4 RULES OF ORIGIN Section A: General Provisions

Section B: Originating Goods. Article 4.2: Originating Goods. For the purposes of this Agreement a good shall qualify as an originating good

4-1 Chapter Four Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures Section A

from originating materials. Article 4.2: Regional Value Content. 1. Where Annex 4.1 specifies a regional value content test to determine whether a good is.

Remanufactured Goods

A remanufactured good is a good classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the applicable requirements of Article 4.2 (Originating Goods); and.

How to Prepare USMCA Documentation

Goods must ship from a USMCA country Article 4.2 Originating Goods ... o Have info including documents proving the goods originate; or.