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Sleep Disorders Center

I feel sleepy during the daytime. ? I have been told I snore. ? I have been told I stop breathing in my sleep. ? I wake up gasping or short of breath.


same as bedtime. ? tired. Do you nap or doze during the day? ? Yes. ? No How long is your nap in the AM? _____ mins/hours. Are any of these naps 

Form SC-20 Medical History Questionnaire Sleep Center (Rev. 8/21)

I wake up ? Choking ? Coughing ? Gasping ? Smothering ? Snoring ? Sweating. ? Told I stop breathing in my sleep. ? I disturb my bed partner. ? Get 

NHLBI Research:

English Instructions: (IF R SAYS THERE WAS NO SINGLE During your wake time how often do you feel tired

Sleep Disorders Center

If your normal sleeping hours are not during the night due to your loudly. ? I stop breathing or I have been told that I stop breathing in my sleep.

G.A.S.P.™ QueStionnAire obStructive SleeP APneA DirectionS

Have you been told (or noticed on your own) that you stop breathing or struggle to breathe in your sleep? ?. ?. ?. Are you tired fatigued or sleepy on 

Name: SSN: Marital Status________

Medical History (Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following? Wake while sleeping and find that you are in a different location other than ...

Breathe Easier

I need more than 30 minutes to fall asleep. ? I can't go back to sleep when I wake up during normal sleep hours. ? I wake up too early. ? I feel tired 


you are not at home we will leave that message with a household member or on your ____I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT I SNORE ONLY WHEN SLEEPING ON MY BACK.




I am told that I stop breathing while I sleep ? I am tired during waking hours almost daily I feel sleepy during waking hours have difficulty

[PDF] Fatigue and Sleep Management - Eurocontrol

13 mar 2018 · Sleepiness increases with the length of time a person stays awake: the longer an individual stays awake the higher the sleep pressure the 

[PDF] What you Need to Know about Sleep Apnea and Surgery

People notice that you stop breathing during sleep and hear you choke gasp and suddenly wake up to take a breath • You feel very tired and sleepy during the 

[PDF] Patient Questionnaire - Sound asleep Sleep Diagnostic Lab

Do you snore Loudly? Do you often feel tired fatigued or sleepy? Have you been observed to stop breathing during sleep? Do you have high blood pressure?

[PDF] Your Guide to Healthy Sleep - NHLBI

Sleep was long considered just a block of time when your brain and body shut down This hormone makes you naturally feel sleepy at night

Common Sleep Disorders: Symptoms Causes & Treatment

23 déc 2020 · You regularly experience difficulty sleeping You are often tired during the day even though you slept for at least seven hours the night 

[PDF] adult-sleep-history-questionnaire-2016--fillablepdf

I have been told that I stop breathing while I sleep ? I wake up at I wake up early in the morning and I am still tired but unable to return to sleep

Sleep Disorders - MedlinePlus

3 jan 2020 · While you are sleeping you are unconscious but your brain and Some people who feel tired during the day have a true sleep disorder

Drowsy Driving: Asleep at the Wheel

Drowsy driving is the dangerous combination of driving and sleepiness or fatigue which usually happens when a driver has not slept enough

Sleep Disorders and Problems - HelpGuideorg

1 mar 2023 · Do you have trouble sleeping wake up feeling exhausted or feel sleepy disorder in which your breathing temporarily stops during sleep