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Creating Synonyms and Reports in Db2 Web Query using SQL Statements due to the fact that it doesn't create a meta data synonym object in its process ...

CL Command for Creating DB2 Web Query Synonyms

*TABLE creates all SQL tables and physical files that will be located in the specified schema and synonyms for each such object. *VIEW creates all SQL views and 

Innovative Clinical Development Solutions

26 juin 2018 Test Synonyms in PROMETRIKA sandbox prior to implementing on production study. • Created synonym lists from the terms coded in DsNavigator.

Guide to Using SQL: Synonyms and the Rename Statement - A

Oracle Rdb Journal – Synonyms and Rename Statement creating an ambiguous synonym. For example: SQL> create synonym ID_DOM for sequence ID_SEQ;.

Oracle8 Application Developers Guide Release 8.0

Creating Synonyms . The following sections explain how to create use

Extending the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) for

Keywords: vocabulary; Synonym rings; AGROVOC; concept server. Abstract : Creating synonym rings involves going through word stocks in different sources.

DB2 Web Adapter for Microsoft SQL Server

Creating Synonyms. How to: Create a Synonym. Create a Synonym From the Web Query Environment. Reference: Synonym Creation Parameters for Microsoft SQL 

DB2 Web Query for IBM i Wizards

Creating a Synonym With the Metadata Wizard . You must create a synonym that describes the structure of the data source and the server mapping of the ...

Oracle Active Data Guard Best Practices Standby For More Than

26 sept. 2009 regions;. Synonym created. Page 32. Configure the 'New' User. • Now you create the synonyms as ...

Creating a Verb Synonym Lexicon Based on a Parallel Corpus

Creating a Verb Synonym Lexicon Based on a Parallel Corpus In order to create such a resource we explore semantic 'equivalence' of verb senses (across.