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30?/08?/2012 In order to further promote the idea of Open Access in the sciences six. Helmholtz centres have signed a contract with Copernicus ...

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18?/10?/2012 ORCID is an open non-profit

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doi: All papers published since 28 April 2010 receive a digital object identifier (doi) given in the article PDF file as well as on the abstract HTML.

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01?/01?/2010 Multi-SI Papers: Up to now SI papers are published in a journal as regular papers and are then bundled in this journal to a special issue.

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26?/02?/2021 The addition of zinc to copper for the first time was proven by a piece of jewellery from around 500 BC found on Rhodos.

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Die Verordnung des Bürgermeisters vom 9.11.2006 Zl. II-2163/2006-219

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Landeshauptstadt Innsbruck Innrain 5

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17?/08?/2022 Janezic MEng.

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17?/08?/2022 Der Christophorus Flugrettungsverein vertreten durch Herrn DI Walter Ploner

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10?/08?/2022 Martin Schöpf und Herrn David Oberortner um Erteilung der Baubewilligung für den Umbau und die Aufstockung des Wohnhauses im Anwesen ...