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IRG-Rail (20) 9 - Overview of International Passengers Services

The list of market segments defined by infrastructure managers shall contain at least the three following segments: freight services passenger services within 

Independent Regulators Group – Rail IRG–Rail Charges Working

09?/11?/2016 market segment definition and criteria for an assessment of mark- ... IRG-Rail supports the idea that the definition of market segments ...

Independent Regulators Group – Rail Guidelines on Market

IRG-Rail is the network of independent rail regulatory bodies from 27 European the report are expected to apply IRG-Rail's recommendations as defined in ...

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Catégories de revenus soumis à une retenue à la source IRG ou IBS. Revenus nets imposables. Taux. Montant à payer (en DA).

La fiscalité des produits financiers pour 2021

Définition des produits a revenu variable Définition des revenus imposables ... Sont également exonérés de l'impôt sur le revenu global (IRG) et de ...


Sous - Section 1: Définition du revenu imposable. 9 et 10 Art. 42bis ?Le produit de l'impôt sur le revenu global (IRG) catégorie des revenus fonciers ...

Independent Regulators Group – Rail IRG–Rail Working Group

Station is defined as a location on a railway where a passenger train service can start stop or end. 1. IRG-Rail proposes to clarify this definition

IRG-Rail (2021) 13 - Report on Tracks in Ports

Also it represents the main through track in stations. In Croatia these are tracks which are defined as railway infrastructure. They are not used for train 

IRG-Rail (20) 10 - Overview of Charging Practices for the Minimum

IRG-Rail intends to review it as further information becomes available. In the definition of charges direct costs should be identified.

Le système fiscal algérien pour 2021

Impôt sur le revenu global (IRG). Champ d'application. Personnes imposables. ? personnes physiques. ? membres de sociétés de personnes. ? associés.