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CEM: Commonsense-aware Empathetic Response Generation

Previous approaches on this topic mainly focus on detecting and utilizing the user's emo- tion for generating empathetic responses. However since em- pathy 

MIME: MIMicking Emotions for Empathetic Response Generation

We argue that empathetic responses often mimic the emotion of the user to a varying degree depending on its positivity or negativity and content. We show that 


poem. Empathetic identification is part of the aesthetic response to works of art expressive of feelings and moods and aesthetic 

Towards Empathetic Open-domain Conversation Models: A New

benchmark for empathetic dialogue genera- tion and EMPATHETICDIALOGUES a novel dataset of 25k conversations grounded in emo- tional situations.

Knowledge Bridging for Empathetic Dialogue Generation

Abstract. Lack of external knowledge makes empathetic dialogue sys- tems difficult to perceive implicit emotions and learn emo-.

Improving Empathetic Response Generation by Recognizing

7. 11. 2021 An empathetic dialogue model is required to generate an appropriate response given the dialogue context. The utterance highlighted in blue ...

Empathetic BERT2BERT Conversational Model: Learning Arabic

Enabling empathetic behavior in Arabic dia- logue agents is an important aspect of build- ing human-like conversational models. While.

A survey on empathetic dialogue systems

Related work [16] viewed empathy to be equiva- lent to emotion. We argue that empathy is not all about emotions. In- deed a non-empathetic dialogue system may 

Nora the Empathetic Psychologist

20. 8. 2017 Empathetic modules are used to evaluate stress level sentiment

A Taxonomy of Empathetic Questions in Social Dialogs

22. 5. 2022 empathetic question taxonomy (EQT) with special attention paid to questions' ability to capture communicative acts and their emotion-.