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Glossary of Microfinance Terms. PARTIE I. Anglais-Français. English-French Equivalents: accounting entry entry


Glossary of Microfinance Terms. PARTIE II. Français-Anglais. French-English accrued expense (accrual accounting balance sheet

Etymological observations on some accounting terms

accounting terms are traced to their earliest ascertainable form and meaning in "Assets" has entered our vocabulary via the French. The.

ISACA Glossary of Terms English-French

ISACA® Glossary of Terms – French 3rd Edition. Adjusting period The calendar can contain "real" accounting periods and/or adjusting accounting periods.


In. Modern French these two groups of meanings are differentiated - compter

CGAP Glossary English to Arabic

Accounting procedure. ?????. ??????. Accounting standard. ????? ??????. Accounting Accountancy. ??????. / ??? ????????. Accounts Receivable and Other 

European Financial Reporting 1. West Germany

and by the French Accountants' Institute called French glossaries of accounting and business terms. For the American reader further transla-.

World Bank Document

Glossary of finance and debt : English-French-Spanish = Glossaire des lending rate (which are not the same thing) banking

The Changing Language of Accounting

Key words: language change terminology

An evaluation of French concession accounting

First French accounting