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MATH 2113 - Assignment 7 Solutions

20 - In a graph with n vertices the highest degree possible is n ? 1 since there are only n ? 1 edges for any particular vertex to be adjacent to. Therefore

Reducing the maximum degree of a graph by deleting vertices

removed from a non-empty graph G so that the resulting graph has a smaller maximum degree. We prove that if n is the number of vertices k.

Graph Realizations: Maximum Degree in Vertex Neighborhoods

Graphs with chromatic number close to maximum degree

Let G be a color-critical graph with ?(G) ? ?(G) = 2t + 1 ? 5 such that the subgraph of G induced by the vertices of degree 2t+1 has clique number at most t? 

Graph Theory Solutions by Richard

1.2.10 (a) Every Eulerain bipartite graph has an even number of edges. Here is a proof that deleting a vertex of maximum degree ? cannot increase the ...

Bicyclic Graphs with Maximum Degree Resistance Distance

Abstract. Graph invariants based on the distances between the vertices of a graph

Random graphs with bounded maximum degree: asymptotic

13 mai 2014 This article is concerned with finite graphs with n vertices labelled 1...

Triangulating Planar Graphs While Minimizing the Maximum Degree

An embedding of a graph G is the collection of circular orderings of the edges incident upon each vertex in a planar drawing of the graph. An embedded graph is 


In the classical Erd?os–Rényi model of random graphs when the number of edges is proportional to the number of vertices

Antimagic Properties of Graphs with Large Maximum Degree

26 juil. 2011 Abstract. An antimagic labeling of a graph with m edges and n vertices is a bijection from the set of edges to the integers 1...

[PDF] Graph Realizations: Maximum Degree in Vertex Neighborhoods

We provide in this work various results for maximum-neighborhood-degree for general n vertex graphs Our results are first of its kind that studies extremal 

[PDF] CHAPTER 1 GRAPH THEORY 1 Graphs and Graph Models

The degree of a vertex a in an undirected graph is the number of edges A connected component H = (V E ) of a graph G = (VE) is a maximal connected

[PDF] Graph Theory

The maximum degree of G maximum degree ?(G) denoted by ?(G) is the highest vertex degree in G (it is 3 in the example) • The graph G is called k- 

[PDF] Largest planar graphs of diameter two and fixed maximum degree*

We compute the exact maximum number of vertices in a planar graph with diameter two and maximum degree A for any d > 8 Results for larger diameter are also 

[PDF] Graph Theory Vertex Degrees and counting Nadia Lafrenière 04/10

10 avr 2020 · The maximum degree of a vertex is denoted (G) and the minumum degree is denoted (G) A graph is said to be regular if

[PDF] Maximum number of edges in claw-free graphs whose maximum

The maximum degree of a vertex in G is denoted by ?(G) The size of a maximum matching in G is called its matching number and denoted by ?(G) G has a perfect 

[PDF] Graph Theory

The maximum degree of a graph G denoted by ?(G) is defined to be In a graph G the sum of the degrees of the vertices is equal to

[PDF] Lecture 20 - Outline

6 juil 2017 · The maximum degree denoted ?(G) of a graph G is the degree of the vertex in the graph G with the largest degree An edge that connects a 

[PDF] Graph Theory

This course is an introductory course to the basic concepts of Graph Theory This includes definition of graphs vertex degrees directed graphs trees 

[PDF] Reducing the maximum degree of a graph by deleting vertices

In this paper we investigate the minimum number of vertices that need to be removed from a graph so that the new graph obtained has a smaller maximum degree