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Aggregation Bias in Linear Economic Models

the estimation of aggregation bias in the parameters of single equation regres- draws on the material in my book Aggregation in Economics and I should ...

Testing for Aggregation Bias in Linear Models

aggregation bias and develop alternative methods of analysing and formally testing the extent of this bias in economic applications.


keywords: aggregation bias assignment models

Aggregation Bias in the Economic Model of Crime

2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Todd L. Cherry & John A. List (2002) "Aggregation Bias in the Economic Model of Crime" Economics.

aggregation (econometrics)

exist between economy-wide totals averages or other economic aggregates. One can learn about the nature of aggregation bias by studying the factors.

Measurement Error and Time Aggregation: - A closer look at

aggregation increases (decreases) the bias in the estimate of the elasticity and workers have economic incentives to change the number of average hours ...

The aggregation problem in its hystorical perspective: a summary

Keywords: aggregation theory aggregation bias

Aggregation Bias in Sponsored Search Data: The Curse and the Cure

data in other marketing settings suggest that aggregation bias is not important (Gupta a game-theoretic model to study the economic impact of the bias.

The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Nonlinear Effects and

Keywords: Aggregation bias Agriculture

Medicares Prospective Payment System: The Victim of Aggregation

treatment cost functions aggregation bias is present in such hospital cost models. economists have focused attention on the sensitivity of.