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A Simple Approximation for Calculating Sample Sizes for

Casagrande Pike and Smith [CPS] (1978) presented an approximate formula for the sample size in each of the two samples required to achieve the desired power.

On Approximate Sample Sizes for Comparing Two Independent

In that case the proposed approximation is quite similar to the approximate formula recently put forward by Casagrande Pike and Smith (1978

A Simple Approximation for Calculating Sample Sizes for Detecting

A simple approximate formula for sample sizes for detecting a linear trend been studied by many investigators (e.g. Casagrande

Sample Size Determination for Case-Control Studies and the

sample size formula for Cochran's test with continuity correction. The formula is a generalization of those by Casagrande Pike

Establishing Equivalence of Two Treatments and Sample Size

Controlled Clinical Trials. 3 345-353. Casagrande

Aspects immunologiques et virologiques de linfection par le SARS

25 nov. 2020 Tableau 15 : Les différents adjuvants aluminiques. Dénomination. Formule chimique ... Pavani C Casagrande VM

Cancer héréditaire du sein et de lovaire et hormonoprévention

comme fortement dosées en progestatif dans l'étude de Pike et coll. (1983) pas encore l'effet des formules œstroprogestatives les plus récentes (Rosen-.

Sample size calculation in epidemiological studies

Casagrande JT Pike MC

European Patent Bulletin 2019/49

4 déc. 2019 formulées dans la section B). Abschnitt I.1(2) ... (71) Sandelman David

oirectives cliniques oe la sogc - consensus canadien sur la

Ross RK Pike MC
