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Overall and stage-specific survival of patients with screen-detected

May 10 2022 kCancer Registry of Doubs

Explaining gastric cancer survival differences among European

3Registre de Cancer du Côte D'Or Dijon

Incidence and mortality trends for prostate cancer in 5 French areas

Oct 9 2001 4Registre des Cancers du Doubs

Cancer incidence and mortality in France in 1975-95

3 Registre des Cancers du Doubs 1 Bd Fleming

ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS - Soft-Tissue Sarcoma and Non

2 Doubs Cancer Registry University Hospital

Are disparities of waiting times for breast cancer care related to

1 Registre Des Cancers De Loire-Atlantique-Vendée Nantes

Cancer Among Adolescents and Young Adults Between 2000 and

Mulhouse France. 9Registre des Tumeurs du Doubs


CER FRANCE Doubs à vos côtés teur Batiman


cer patients for gender and were stratified on age (10 years) and residence area (urban

Cancer incidence and mortality trends in France over 1990–2018 for

In men the most common primary sites were the prostate (around. 25%)