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East a plan for the Royal Docks that radically of planning the city as a whole rather than as ... housing land across the wider east of London.

East and south east London - Sub-regional Transport Plan 2016

Sub-regional Transport Plans (SRTP) for East and south east London. The sub-regional process is an ongoing programme enabling. TfL to work closely with.

South East London Green Chain Plus Area Framework All London

6 Jul 2019 Policy 2.18 of the London Plan (July 2011) promotes the provision of an integrated green infrastructure network and supports the extension of ...

The London Plan Sub-Regional Development Framework East

213000 jobs East London is my priority area for development regeneration and infrastructure improvement. This SRDF brings together a wide range of data and ...


1 Mar 2021 links are interconnected with the Wider South East city region which shapes the development of the whole of the UK. Together


London Riverside Opportunity Area East London Opportunity Areas Area wide The London Plan seeks the connection to district heat networks to supply new ...

East London Corridor Development

As yet there is no given timeline for roll out

London Moving East

This includes Tower Hamlets Newham

South East London: Sustainability and Transformation Plan

21 Oct 2016 Based on plans the 'do nothing' affordability challenge faced by the south east London health economy was forecast to be £854m by. 2020/21.

System Operating Plan 2019/20 for the NHS in North East London

16 Apr 2019 Our System Operating Plan is the result of work undertaken across the entire north east London health and social care.