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Math 3150 Fall 2015 HW2 Solutions

(b) Show that if L > 1 then lim

Homework 4 (due on 9/27)

Now since any sequence (sn) with a limit is either bounded above or bounded below we conclude that (an) has no limit if a < ?1. 9.16 (a) Prove lim n4+8n n2+9.

Solutions for Homework #2 Math 451(Section 3 Fall 2014)

8.4) Claim: If (tn) is a bounded sequence and (sn) is a sequence such that limsn = 0 (Alternatively

MAT 319/320: Basics of Analysis Spring 2019

of truncations of ?2 converges to ?2. 8.1d; CM Prove that lim n + 6 n2 ? 6. = 0. Fix ?>0. Choose N > 1 ? +6. If n>N then.

Math 25 Problem Sheet 5 1) a) Show that if lim sn = ? then lim 1 sn

sn. = 0. b) Show that if lim n?? sn = 0 and sn > 0 for all n then lim n??. 1 sn. = ?. 2) Define {sn} by sn+1 = ?. 5 + sn for n ? 1 and s1 =.

4. Sequences 4.1. Convergent sequences. • A sequence (s n

(4) follows from (3) if we set tn = C for all n. Applying (4) with C = ?1 shows that limn(?tn) = ?t. Using this with (1)


case we define the sum of the series to be the limit of its partial sums. Proof. The series converges if and only if the sequence (Sn) of partial sums ...

Homework 5 (due on 10/4)

(c) lim supsn is the biggest subsequential limit: 1; lim inf sn is the (a) We need to show that if (sn) is a convergent sequence of points in [a b]

MAT 319/320: Basics of Analysis Spring 2018 - Solutions to

9.12; 4pts Assume all sn =0 and that the limit L = lim\ sn+1 sn. . . exists. (a) Show that if L<1 then limsn =0. (b) Show that if L>1

HW #3 Solutions (Math 323)

We want to show that sn ? 0. We have ?

so by exercise 8.5a


Math 104: Introduction to Analysis SOLUTIONS

lim n?? sn = lim n?? sN+n ? lim n?? ans N = sN lim n?? an = 0 when a < 1 9 15 Show that limn?? an n! = 0 for all a ? R Put sn = an/n! and ?nd that sn+1/sn = a/(n + 1) tends to 0 as n ? ? Therefore by the previous exercise limsn = 0 (In other words n! grows faster than any exponential sequence an

Chapter 2 Limits of Sequences - University of Illinois Chicago

Exercise 2 2Prove that lim n!1 3 n = 0 Exercise 2 3Prove that lim n!1 1 n2 = 0 Exercise 2 4Prove that lim n!1 ( 1)n n = 0 See Figure 2 3 Exercise 2 5Prove that lim n!1 1 n(n 1) = 0: It is good to understand examples when the de nition of converging to zero does not apply as in the following example Example 2 4Prove that the sequence s n= n+


lim n?? sn = s or by limsn = s or by sn ? s A sequence that does not converge is said to diverge Examples Which of the sequences given above converge and which diverge; give the limits of the convergent sequences THEOREM 1 If sn ? s and sn ? t then s = t That is the limit of a convergent sequence is unique Proof: Suppose s 6=t

Homework 3 - University of Oregon

(a) Show that if s n a for all but nitely many n then lims n a (b) Show that if s n b for all but nitely many n then lims n b (c) Conclude that if all but nitely many s n belong to [a;b] then lims n belongs to [a;b] 2 Section 9 9 2Suppose limx n = 3 limy n = 7 and all y n are nonzero Determine the following limits: (a) lim(x n + y n

Homework 4 (due on 9/27) - Michigan State University

(a)Show that if L < 1 then lims n = 0 Hint: Select a so that L < a < 1 and obtain N so that js n+1j< ajs njfor n N Then show js nj< an Njs Njfor n > N (b)Show that if L > 1 then limjsnj= +1 Hint: Apply (a) to the sequence t n = 1 sn; see Theorem 9 10 Proof (a) Since L < 1 we may choose a 2(L;1) Let " = a L Since js n+1 sn j!L


n;show that a+ bi= lim(a n+ b ni):That is a sequence fc n= a n+ b nigof complex numbers converges if and only if the sequence fa ngof the real parts converges and the sequence fb ngof the imaginary parts converges HINT: You need to show that given some hypotheses certain quantities are less than :Part (c) of Exercise 1 25 should be of help

Searches related to show that if lim sn PDF

n 2S (ii) lim 1 n = 0 so with (i) and (ii) and Theorem 11 9 we get that 0 2S 11 10 b Determine limsups n and liminf s n liminf s n = 0 and limsups n = 1 Note: There can be two ways to go about nding limsups n Either you use the de nition of limsup See page 60 Equation (1) limsups n = lim n!1 ( Supfs m for all m>ng): In which case you