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New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985) 469 U.S. 325: The Fourth Amendment applies to on- campus searches of public school students and their personal belongings by 

An Overview of the Law of Searches by School Administrators

The Fourth Amendment and Article 14 Do Not Apply in Private Schools. 1. Private or parochial school students however

Students Fourth Amendment Rights in Schools: Strip Searches

Students' Fourth Amendment Rights in Schools: Strip Searches. Drug Tests

TASB School Law eSource

items may often be inspected with little or no impact on a student's Fourth Amendment rights. In contrast a student has a reasonable expectation of privacy 

Supreme Silence: SROs the 4th Amendment

James Madison Foundation: The Fourth Amendment and Cellphone

This lesson will first review the history of Supreme Court rulings on student rights in schools and explain the constitutional protections on unreasonable 

Students Fourth Amendment Rights in Schools: Strip Searches

Students' Fourth Amendment Rights in Schools: Strip Searches. Drug Tests

Implicit Racial Bias and Students Fourth Amendment Rights

Although all schools do and should monitor students to some extent empirical School Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment]; Jason P. Nance

Search and Seizure in the Schools

The Fourth Amendment to the. U.S. Constitution protects the people of the United States from unreasonable searches and seizures. On first reading.

Arrested Development: Rethinking Fourth Amendment Standards for

31 may 2018 Police practices in schools often nega- tively affect not only the students subjected to them but the entire school climate. Additionally