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Wealden Ancient Woodland Project

The High Weald PAWS Project has been funded by the Forestry Commission the High Weald AONB Unit

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plans

The High Weald AONB Unit produces a range of material promoting local produce including wood products and foodstuffs for which a 'brand image'.

Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy

Tunbridge Wells Council's High Weald/Low Weald links project Tonbridge groups

Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy - Maidstone Borough Council

groups MBC (cross-departmental)

SA32: Withypitts Farm Selsfield Road - Index by ID Number

23 Sep 2020 High Weald AONB Unit. Statutory Consultee. 684 Mr C Noel. Strutt and Parker. Paddockhurst Estate. Turners Hill. Promoter. 710 Mr N Burns.

Managing Development and the Environment Development Plan

4 Both the High Weald and the Kent Downs AONB units have produced. Management Plans. These documents are used to inform and guide development affecting their 

Ashford - Local Plan 2030

2.50 Development at Tenterden is constrained by the High Weald AONB which surrounds it on three sides and a high quality

Rother District Council

It maintains a strong tourism sector and Port activities. The inland and essentially rural areas of Rother falling mainly within the High. Weald AONB 

Sevenoaks District Local Plan 2015-2035

28 Nov 2016 and about 60% lying within the Kent Downs or High Weald Areas of Outstanding. Natural Beauty. With a population of approximately 118000 the ...

Core Strategy - Rother Local Plan

29 Sep 2014 Virtually all the inland parts of the district lie within the High Weald Area of. Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).