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Use of twitter and Facebook by top European museums

Facebook and Twitter are the market leaders of social media. This paper records the top European museums and their Facebook and. Twitter accounts.

Campaigning on Twitter

Top Tips. Campaigning on Twitter. The Handbook for NGOs Politics & Public Service Lastly

Understanding the Twitter Usage of Science Citation In- dex (SCI

RQ2: Which network structure best represents the SCI journals Twitter commu- nication graph? RQ3: What type of Twitter accounts are top authorities in the 

eGovernment on Twitter: The Use of Twitter by the Saudi Authorities

Table 5 shows the correlation for retweets replies

From AM to DM: Twitter customer care in a 24/7 world

Reply to 8x more Tweets. Receive 10x more mentions. Respond 3x faster. Have 6x more followers. Compared to most handles the top brands in care on Twitter…

Use of twitter and Facebook by top European museums

Facebook and Twitter are the market leaders of social media. This paper records the top European museums and their Facebook and. Twitter accounts.

Twitter Best Practices & Tips for Physicians Overview of Twitter Build

Populated with small 140-character bursts of information called. Tweets users follow the latest stories

Brookings Institution

11 sept. 2014 Links among the top 500 Twitter accounts as sorted by the in-group metric used to identify ISIS supporters. Red lines indicate reciprocal ...

Detecting Automation of Twitter Accounts: Are You a Human Bot

Use of twitter and Facebook by top European museums

11 mar. 2017 and their Facebook and Twitter accounts. ... Twitter is the most popular microblogging platform with more than 1.3 billion registered users ...

Campaigning on Twitter

Twitter has a variety of options for you to engage with your followers Get creative and use a mix of media — text photo video live polls emoji and Twitter Cards — to find novel ways of getting your message across and being part of the conversation Using rich media content is proven to drive higher engagement

Who is the most followed person on Twitter in 2023?

As of January 2023, former U.S. President Barack Obama was the most followed person on Twitter. His account was followed by over 133 million people. Second-ranked was Twitter CEO Elon Musk with over 127 million followers.

Who are the most popular Twitter users?

Musicians and artists tend to be the most popular accounts on Twitter, let’s go through a list and see the account with the highest number of followers. Get ready to know who are the most popular Twitter users. The number of followers is the perfect metric to measure if an account is popular or not. But remember that it is not the only one.

Why do some Twitter accounts have millions of followers?

Most followed on Twitter is like being the richest at Monopoly (Hello Hasbro!). Nevertheless, there are some accounts that have millions of followers because they have honestly earned them. In fact, in the first positions we always find celebrities. We don’t think they actually bought followers.

What is a top tweet?

A top tweet is not a tweet sent by a popular person or a top Twitter account, it is just a tweet that got an unexpected engagement: retweets and likes mostly. Actually, the culture of influencers is partly based on this.