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11 Creating new variables

The operators defined in Stata are given in the table below: Relational. Arithmetic There are some details you should know about the generate command:.

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2004/04/21 Stata Command?????????????????? ... ?2? egen?gen ???????????????????????????????

11 Creating new variables

The operators defined in Stata are given in the table below: Relational. Arithmetic There are some details you should know about the generate command:.

Create or change contents of variable

2020/01/18 Stata is smart. Even though we did not specify the storage type in our generate statement Stata knew to create a str9 lastname variable

Introduction to Stata 8

2003/02/09 The menu system enables you to generate quite complex commands without looking them up in the manuals. You may need to do some editing if you ...

egen — Extensions to generate

Generate newv4 equal to the number of nonmissing numeric values across v1 v2

Title Syntax Menu Description

2013/01/18 In fact inside Stata

destring — Convert string variables to numeric variables and vice

2020/03/03 generate newvar1 ...

2. Creating and Saving Datasets

2013/02/23 by typing in data loading an existing Stata data file (see the next ... The .generate (or .g or .gen) command creates a new variable using ...

Encode string into numeric and vice versa

2020/03/03 encode v1 generate(newv1) label(mylabel1) noextend ... encode is most useful in making string variables accessible to Stata's statistical ...