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2013 Rahal-Non violent resistance

“Algeria: Nonviolent resistance against French colonialism 1830s-1950s.” In Recovering nonviolent history. Civil resistance in liberation struggles

Creating National Heroes - Colonial Rule Anticolonial Politics and

of the Algerian resistance against French colonial invasion and arguably the Due to its turbulent history and particular status Algeria under French.

``Torture of terrorists? Use of torture in a war against terrorism

Feb 25 2008 methods and effects: the case of France in Algeria

Symbolism and memory in architecture: Algerian anti-colonial

revolutionary war against French occupation (1954–1962) as an icon of process of anti-colonial resistance in the capital of Algeria Algiers

Sufism and Anti-Colonial Violent Resistance Movements: The

the cases of 'Abd al-Qadir of the Qadiriyya movement and his anti-colonialist rebellion against France in. Algeria in the 1800s as well as that of Italian 

Hespéris-Tamuda LIV (2) (2019): 221-248 - Islam Colonialism and

Ricardo René Laremont Islam and the Politics of Resistance in Algeria 1783-1992 (Trenton

Education in French Algeria: An Essay on Cultural Conflict

By 1830 when France attacked Algeria

Empire by Example?: Deportees in France and Algeria and the Re

Arab resistance became particularly difficult after 1832 when Abd al-. Qadir declared a holy war of resistance against the French in western Algeria.

Muhammad Dib and Algerian Resistance Literature

The literature reflects their love of Algerian culture and thought and their revolt against French colonialism. The Algerian-born Arab author Muhammad Dib 

Economic Motives and French Imperialism: The 1837 Tafna Treaty

army of imperial conquest and Algerian resistance forces led significantly against all but French ships and goods.25 Policies like these.