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Inclusive Education

Accordingly the UNESCO (2005) stated that inclusive education is an approach that expresses how to change educational structures and other learning atmospheres 

International Conference on Education; 48th; Inclusive education

normative instruments which have reaffirmed this right include among others: UNESCO's 1960 Convention against. Discrimination in Education; the 1966 

Call for Action by Ministers Inclusive and equitable education for all

(1948) and the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education contains goals on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting.

International Forum on Inclusion and Equity in Education Every

During the Forum UNESCO will harness its convening power to give new impetus to inclusion in education in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable 

International Conference on Education; 48th; Inclusive education

28 nov. 2008 - 2001: UNESCO launched its EFA Flagship Programme on the right to education for persons with disabilities: towards inclusion;. - 2006 : On 13 ...

introduction; Promoting inclusive teacher education: advocacy guide

embrace the diversity of learners. It is against this background that this UNESCO publication set Promoting Inclusive. Teacher Education: Advocacy Guides

Model policy for inclusive ICTs in education for persons with

This model policy is part of the United Nations. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. (UNESCO) and Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and 

Education 2030: Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action for

the Director-General of UNESCO in Incheon Republic of Korea

Education in an interconnected world: Ensuring inclusive and

3 dec. 2018 1 Note that SDG 17 on strengthening global partnerships for sustainable development will also be reviewed as it is every year. 2 UNESCO. 2015.

Education for democratic citizenship and inclusive social development

24 okt. 2018 UNESCO has defined GCED learning outcomes based on the three core conceptual dimensions of learning (cognitive socio-emotional and behavioural) ...

Education inclusive - Unescoorg

Education inclusive Document code : ED/ADG/2013/08 Collation : 6 p Language : French Also available in : English Year of publication : 2013

Linclusion dans léducation - Unescoorg

L'éducation inclusive s'efforce d'identifier et d'éliminer tous les obstacles à l'éducation ; elle œuvre dans tous les domaines du programme d'enseignement 

Un Guide pour assurer linclusion et léquité dans léducation

Corporate author : UNESCO · Corporate author : UNESCO · ISBN : 978-92-3-200135-1 (print/ pdf ) · Collation : 46 p illus · Language : French · Also available in : 

Principes directeurs pour linclusion dans léducation - Unescoorg

Principes directeurs pour l'inclusion dans l'éducation · Document code : ED 2009/WS/31 · Collation : 38 p · Language : French · Also available in : English · Also 

Principes directeurs pour linclusion: assurer laccès à léducation

Principes directeurs pour l'inclusion: assurer l'accès à l'éducation pour tous Document code : ED 2006/WS/45 Collation : 37 p Language : French

Pour une inclusion dans léducation dès la petite enfance

Pour une inclusion dans l'éducation dès la petite enfance: de l'engagement à l'action Corporate author : UNESCO

Linclusion dans leducation - IIEP-UNESCO

Dans une approche inclusive de l'éducation tous les enfants peuvent apprendre ensemble dans une même classe À l'école le handicap est l'une des 


12 UNESCO : Principes directeurs pour l'inclusion dans l'éducation ; in : http://unesdoc unesco org/images/0017/001778/177849f pdf ; Consulté le 1/10/2018

[PDF] Principes clés pour la promotion de la qualité dans léducation

Si l'on se réfère aux Principes directeurs pour l'inclusion dans l'éducation (2009) de l'Unesco on constate qu'il est de plus en plus admis que l'inclusion