The Age Factor in Second Language Learning

Abstract—In recent years age has been considered as the major factor in determining language learners' successful foreign language acquisition

Carmen Muñoz ed. 2006: Age and the Rate of Foreign Language

2006: Age and the Rate of Foreign Language Learning. Clevedon. Buffalo

Language learning strategy reported choice by bilingual children in

Oct 22 2019 Factors such as age

The Effect of Age on Acquis

A substantial amount of research testing the old axiom that young learners learn best

Age and Second Language Acquisition and Processing: A Selective

age and second language acquisition (L2A). Both behav- ioral and brain-based data are discussed in the contexts of neurocognitive aging and cognitive 

What is the best age to learn a second/foreign language?

The best age is early childhood if the learning conditions provide rich plentiful and continued exposure to the language because children seem to be 

Age of language learning shapes brain structure: A cortical

Jun 29 2013 Age of language learning shapes brain structure: A cortical thickness study of bilingual and monolingual individuals. Denise Klein a

On how age affects foreign language learning*

Abstract. The effects of age on second language acquisition constitute one of the most frequently investigated and debated topics in the field of Second 

On how age affects foreign language learning*

Abstract. The effects of age on second language acquisition constitute one of the most frequently investigated and debated topics in the field of Second 

The Critical Period for Language Acquisition: Evidence from Second

The critical period hypothesis holds that first language acquisition must occur before cerebral lateralization is complete at about the age of puberty.