Curriculum Vitae

“Bodily Delight: The Pro-Life Message of the Gospel of Judas” in Judasevangelium und Codex. Tchacos: Studien zur religionsgeschichtlichen Verortung einer.

I.A.C.S. Claremont Calif. July 2016 GNOSTIC STUDIES 2012-2016


Understanding the Gospel of Judas

to to Philip James

Textual healing: ethical conservation of looted manuscripts and The

19-Mar-2019 the looted codex containing The Gospel of Judas can provide an ... and substrate.56 The manuscript now known as the Codex Tchacos

OBCY (ALLOGENES) Czwarty utwór z KodeKsu tCHaCos: wst?P

Wurst Weitere neue Fragmente aus Codex Tchacos. Zum „Buch des Allo- genes“ und zu Corpus Hermeticum XIII

Title: Obcy (Allogenes) czwarty utwór z kodeksu Tchacos : wst?p

Painchaud le quatri?me écrit du Codex tchacos: les livres d'allog?ne et genes“ und zu Corpus Hermeticum XIII


In this study the death and final destiny of Judas Iscariot are examined Congress on the Tchacos Codex held at Rice University Houston

Apocryphal Gospel Titles in Coptic

29-Aug-2022 By revisiting well?known apocryphal gospels and expanding on their ... In Nag Hammadi Codex III and IV

Antike christliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung I. Band

von Edgar Hennecke begründeten und von Wilhelm Schneemelcher fortgeführten Sammlung der neutestamentlichen Apokryphen). Judasevangelium/ Codex Tchacos ;.

Textual healing: ethical conservation of looted manuscripts and The

17-Sept-2021 manuscripts and 'The Gospel of Judas' Journal of the Institute of ... and substrate.56 The manuscript