Le street art ou art urbain

Le Street Art est un mouvement artistique contemporain qui regroupe toutes les formes d'art réalisées dans la rue ou dans des endroits publics.


En effet en Allemagne le mur de Berlin submergé par des slogans

Street Art ! Colore ta ville ! Lart de convaincre les autorités politiques

Ce document est un véritable outil de travail pour les professionnels les employeurs et les institutions de formation d'animation socioculturelle. Le but est 

Louise Carron Is copyright for « losers©™ » ?

Aux États-Unis le. Street Art se retrouve dans les « œuvres de peinture

From street art to murals: what have we lost?

Key words: graffiti street art

Curating street art

However most of these approaches are not in the hands of curators but of the artists. 3. Importing street artworks. Some strategies allow to import into the 

Towards the scholarly documentation of street art

scholarly publication activity related to street art and graffiti this kind of street art photography is not done by (or for) scholars but rather by ...

Street art and photography: Documentation representation

5 sept. 2018 street art actors take photographs (Derwanz 2013). Photos can. (2) act as documentation of the street work for the artist

Places and non Places - The Place to Be for Street Art Nowadays is

street art practices in the context of globally networked me- dia technologies. However the emergence of 'street art for the internet' is only.

Of Materiality and Meaning: The Illegality Condition in Street Art

That street art is paradigmatically illegal makes it antithetical to the mainstream artworld but it is so for a variety of reasons. It occurs in al-.