Torture in the Algerian War

Torture in the Algerian War. Tzvetan Todorov. (Translated by Arthur Denner). In March 2002 France marked the fortieth anniversary of the Evian Ac-.

The Sudden Memory of Torture: The Algerian War in French

From critics the was beginning the use of of torture. the Algerian When War confronted the central with issue evidence for most of torture

Torture: Henri Alleg and the Algerian War Jeff Erickson

During the Algerian War (1954-1962) the French military used torture to gain information and

``Torture of terrorists? Use of torture in a war against terrorism

25 fév. 2008 During its war against the armed nationalist movement fighting for Algerian independence (1954–62) France made extensive use of torture

Losing the Moral Compass: Torture and Guerre Revolutionnaire in

1 mai 2006 Torture and. Guerre Revolutionnaire in the Algerian War. LOU DIMARCO. One of the keys to success in the US war on terror and ...

Testimonial texts of torture during the Algerian War: Paratexts and

Abstract. The Algerian War of Independence (1954–62) was marked in metropolitan France by divisive debates over France's presence in Algeria and over the 

Testimonial texts of torture during the Algerian War: Paratexts and

Abstract. The Algerian War of Independence (1954–62) was marked in metropolitan France by divisive debates over France's presence in Algeria and over the 

Two Sides of the Same COIN: Torture and Terror in the Algerian War

Adapted from Matthew Connelly A Diplomatic Revolution: Algeria's Fight for Independence and the Origins of the Post-Cold War Era (Oxford: Oxford University 

Torture as an Instrument of National Policy: France 1954—1962

Rita Maran Torture: The Role of Ideology in the French-Algerian War. New York: Praeger Publishers

The Bureaucrat of Torture

Algerian war. Outside the military fraterni- ty itself and a small coterie of military his- torians and academic specialists on the Al-.