Language policy in Chinese higher education: A focus on

The MoE has initiated the Plan for Study in China project ????????????????).

The rationale for sponsoring students to undertake international

Regulation for Scholarship for Self-funded Study-abroad Students (in Chinese). Retrieved from 

The rationale for sponsoring students to undertake international

Regulation for Scholarship for Self-funded Study-abroad Students (in Chinese). Retrieved from 

What Can Canada Do? Examining Canadas Role in the South

4 Alexander Neill “South China Sea: What's China's plan for its 'Great Wall of Sand'

Analysis and suggestions on development of Chinas coastal LNG

27 août 2021 Fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of ... In contrast China's research and development of LNG bunkering industry ...

The evolution of markets for water pollution allowances in China: a

10 déc. 2021 aInstitute for Management Research Department of Geography

The Smiling Dragon – Chinas Soft Power in Southeast Asia

broadcasts news current affairs

All Domain Awareness: The Future of the NORAD Deter Detect

28 oct. 2020 Les opinons exprimées n'engagent que leurs auteurs et ... ...

Sino-Saudi Relations: An Economic History

21 mars 2012 He is currently in Beijing studying Chinese and preparing for his postgraduate studies focusing on Sino-Arab relations.

Statistical Commission Background document Forty-eighth session

Economic globalization has created new opportunities for businesses to organize their namely: the Full International and Global Accounts for Research in ...