BOA JOTA / KAPPA. Amortisseurs de vibrations avec raccords union. Grâce au tuyau métallique flexible à double paroi BOA DUO


Thanks to the double-ply corrugated metal hose BOA DUO the vibration absorbers type JOTA and KAPPA are perfectly appropri- ate to absorb engine vibrations.


Schwingungsdämpfer JOTA und KAPPA sind durch den dop- pelwandigen Wellschlauch BOA DUO zur Aufnahme von Ma- schinenschwingungen bestens geeignet.

Metal Hose and Module 2 Metal Hose Assemblies Guide - BOA

2 BOA Standard Program Metal Hoses (bulk) and Assemblies 2.1.1 JOTA/ KAPPA ... BOA. Metal Hose and Metal Hose Assemblies Guide. Subject to changes.

Guide des Module 2 Tuyaux et Tuyauteries métalliques flexibles

2.1.1 JOTA/ KAPPA Les tuyaux métalliques flexibles BOA sont fabriqués en couronnes dans différentes longueurs de fabrication en fonction du DN.

Product Range Metal Hoses and Metal Hose Assemblies

BOA JOTA / KAPPA. Stainless steel vibration absorbers with screws. Thanks to the double-ply corrugated metal hose BOA DUO

Ratgeber für Modul 2 Metallschläuche und Metallschlauchleitungen

2 BOA Standardprogramm Metallschläuche Meterware und. Schlauchleitungen 2.1.1 JOTA/ KAPPA ... BOA Metallschläuche werden als Meterware hergestellt ...

BOA Group

BOA. Pr?vodce kovovými hadicemi a sestavami kovových hadic 2 Standardní program BOA kovové hadice (bulk) a sestavy ... BOA JOTA/KAPPA.

Expansion joints for HVAC systems sound absorption and vibration

Types BOA-JOTA and BOA-KAPPA. DN . . . . PN . . .

Metal Hose and Module 1 Metal Hose Assemblies Guide - BOA

2 BOA Standard Program Metal Hoses (bulk) and Assemblies. 3 Annexe/ Standards /Corrosion Vibration absorbers JOTA/ KAPPA with screw con- nections ...