Métabolisme des Triglycérides

La lipoprotéine lipase extracellulaire hydrolyse les TG circulants. ? La TG lipase cellulaire. Métabolisme des TG- La dégradation 

Thermal degradation of lipids

Figure 2. Decomposition of triglycerides by heat in absence of moisture. Modification of scheme of. Crossley et al. 1962.

Metabolism (degradation) of triacylglycerols and fatty acids

(degradation) of triacylglycerols and fatty acids. Ji?í Jonák and Lenka Fialová. Institute of Medical Biochemistry. 1st Medical Faculty of the Charles 


Les acides gras à courte chaîne peuvent être transportés directement dans la matrice mitochondriale pour y être activés. 2.2 - HYDROLYSE DES TRIGLYCERIDES. L' 

Patterns of fatty acid release from endogenous substrates by human

lipase operated as shown by the synchrony of triglyceride degradation and release of fatty acids that are the predominant constituents of triglycerides.

Neutral lipid storage diseases et déficits en ATGL (adipose

acide lysosomale dégrade les triglycérides et les esters de cholestérol en libérant glycérol

Analysis of triglyceride degradation products in drying oils and oil

Analysis of triglyceride degradation products in drying oils and oil paints using LC–ESI-MS. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 413

Degradation of Unsaturated Triglycerides Injected into a Pressurized

To evaluate the precombustion chemistry ofvegetable oils under conditions that exist in a diesel engine several pure unsaturated triglycerides (triolein

Lipase-Powered Mesoporous Silica Nanomotors for Triglyceride

time in triglyceride solution and of degrading triglyceride droplets have been degradation compared with free lipase and other enzymatic motors (see ...