Parental Allowance and Parental Leave

27.11.2021 receive Parental Allowance Plus in months 7 through 14. From month. 15 to 18 they both work between 24 and 32 hours per week

Maternity and paternity at work – Law and practice across the world

available provided at least 14 weeks of maternity leave. through the child's first six months and breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods ...

National Immunization Schedule

14 weeks. OPV-3 Pentavalent-3


Fourteen (14) weeks: six weeks before the birth and eight weeks following the From the twelfth week of pregnancy until four months after the birth of a ...

National Immunization Schedule (NIS) for Infants Children and

National Immunization Schedule (NIS) for Infants Children and Pregnant Women At 6 weeks

Booklet for expecting mothers

In 4th – 6th month of pregnancy. In 7th – 8th month of pregnancy. ... 14 weeks. DPT - 3rd dose. OPV - 3rd dose. Hepatitis - 3rd dose*. 9 months.

The Pregnancy Book

The Pregnancy Book including the mothers and fathers

Assessment of Cesarean hysterotomy scar before pregnancy and at

KEYWORDS: 11–14-week scan; Cesarean delivery; non-pregnant women; saline contrast sonohysterography; contrast sonohysterography 6–9 months after CD.

Medical management of abortion

14. 3.2 Incomplete abortion. 16. 3.3 Intrauterine fetal demise Duration of pregnancy (gestation): Size of the uterus estimated in weeks

Safe abortion

2.5 Medical abortion: 12 weeks (or 84 days) of pregnancy 2.10 Surgical abortion: >12–14 weeks of pregnancy. 49. 3 Post-abortion.