In France the responsibilities for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) National Education (Ministère de l'Éducation nationale) for children in ...


For example France has carried out several reforms at ECEC level relating to the quality of education for children between 2 and 6 years old

Starting Strong II: Early Childhood Education and Care

d'éducation for parents with two or more children when a flat rate In France

Every child counts. Everywhere all the time.

Ensure that all children in France have equal access to education with particular attention given to children living in slums

Farm Children at School: Educational Strategies in Rural France

[France children

How does FRANCE compare on child well-being?

tests and educational performance at 15 (as measured by the OECD's PISA tests) is about average. However


Most of the foreign-born school-age children and adolescents born outside the EU+


03-Dec-2019 to complete tertiary education – while only 1 in 13 high-achieving ... In France boys outperformed girls in mathematics by 6 score points


from various OECD school education surveys conducted prior to the crisis and use it to examine how prepared teachers students and schools were in France to 


the fact that early childhood education is available to the great majority of children in France means that annual expenditure per child in school is lower